The Portland Maine Gnosis Center Blog (Click images to see full post)
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What is Consciousness?
The tree (a poem)
Human beings are the roots of entirely spiritual beings...
Karma: universal feedback
We must comprehend that the phenomena of karma are not incongruous with the laws of physics...
Karma is the Law of Cause and Effect. Karma is the consequence of the universe's tendency toward balance...
gnosis: science of revelation
Truth is at all times self-revelatory...
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Why do we suffer?
For as far back as the conventional historical record reaches there has been suffering. As far back as this is, we already knew the cause. Why then with all the supposed “advances” of civilization do we still suffer?
Where is your attention?
Who is directing your attention?
Who is receiving what is coming in through your attention?
Consciousness is the faculty of that...
suffering, identification, & Ego
The relationship between sensation and the desire to increase or decrease sensation is proportional to suffering. When consciousness is identified with desire, it suffers...
gnosis: Science of Revelation
Truth is at all times self-revelatory...
karma: cause & effect, the balance of nature
Karma has no concern for “good” or “bad”. Karma is the Law of Cause and Effect. Karma is the consequence of the universe's tendency toward balance...
karma: Universal Feedback
We must comprehend that the phenomena of karma are not incongruous with the laws of physics...
The tree (a poem)
Human beings are the roots of entirely spiritual beings...